About the membership

Anybody interested in classical studies is qualified to be a member of the Classical Society of Japan.

To have a membership:

  1. fill in the Membership Application Form below and send it to the Secretariat by an e-mail or by post.
  2. pay the annual membership fee of 8,000 yen to Japan Post Bank.
    Check this website( https://www.jp-bank.japanpost.jp/en/djp/en_djp_index.html)

Payee Account Number: To giro account
Name of Payee Account Holder:
    Japanese Society of Western Classics
Payee Address:
    Dept. of Classics, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University.
    Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan

* If you are unable to make a bank transfer to the Japan Post Bank, please contact the Secretariat.

After completing the above admission procedures, the Secretariat will send you a list of members.

The journal is published once a year at the end of March and is send free of charge to all members. The annual conference is held from the end of May to the beginning of June.

Secretariat: kawashima.shiro.7x@kyoto-u.ac.jp (Prof. Shiro Kawashima)

Membership Application Form: PDF / Word